Health and safety policy

The Group companies promote and maintain a safe and healthy working environment on board and ashore in order to achieve no accidents and no harm to people. This includes considering health and safety factors in the design, construction and operation of all plant, machinery and equipment. We are committed to increase the level of safety involvement with all employees onboard and ashore.

We are certified according to the international standard for Quality management systems, ISO 9001, hence we are committed to deliver services with a high level of quality to secure our customer's and other important stakeholders' satisfaction. Everyone in the company is responsible for knowing their customers and delivering services that meet their expectations.

As a shipping company, we are committed to comply with applicable legal requirements, protect the environment and avoid the harmful effects of pollutants and wastes in all of our activities.

The best way of preventing pollution is to identify possible hazards and avoid or reduce them to ensure a safe operation of our vessels. The group companies are certified according to the international standard for Environmental management systems, ISO 14001. We are monitoring our environmental performance on a continual basis and are committed to continual improvement of our processes and procedures. Control measures have been established where our activities might pose an impact to the environment.

Our main environmental focus areas are

- Reductions in emissions by use of alternative fuels, reduction in fuel consumption and cleaning of exhaust.
- Selection and handling of chemicals.
- Waste management.
- Handling of environmentally harmful substances from marine and sub sea operations.
- A strong safety culture is a key to high quality and safe performance.

We believe in in-house and on-the-job training and coaching to develop such safety culture. Our goal is that each and every employee is their own safety coach.

Environmental Aspects.

We are constantly striving to reduce our impact on the environment. By knowing and controlling the environmental aspects identified for our company's activities, we are controlling the environmental risks associated with our actions, thus providing good risk assessment and management for the areas where our company processes can impact the environment.


Head Office
80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55 - 15-16th floor
phone: +39 081 2514121
fax: +39 081 5524712

Legal Notes & Privacy Policies

Med Offshore spa

80133 Napoli - Italy                                 via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121 
fax:   +39 081 5524712                        general:info@medoffshore.it            chartering: commercial@medoffshore.it technical: tech@medoffshore.it crewing:crew@medoffshore.it administrative:admin@medoffshore.it


Sarda Bunkers spa

80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121 
fax:   +39 081 5524712             Operations: 80133 Napoli - Italy
P.le Immacolatella Vecchia Interno porto
phone.: +39 081 5515856
fax: +39 081 5424301                             general:info@sardabunkers.it          technical:tech@sardabunkers.it administrative: admin@sardabunkers.it operation: operativo@sardabunkers.it crewing: armamento@sardabunkers.it


Navco srl

80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121
fax:   +39 081 5524712

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