Rig Moves - Anchor Handling Operations

Our specialized vessels are constantly dedicated to provide services of anchor handling, towing and positioning to the oil and gas rigs, chartered to Oil Majors. Anchor handling operations requires vessels that are powerful, precise, and reliable. To meet the needs of our clients, we offer modern AHTS vessels, with key advantages: powerful engines and winches, exceptional maneuverability and optimized fuel consumption.

Supply Duties

This type of services are very important in the offshore. Our specialized vessels are able to supply rigs with drill and fresh water, gasoil, liquid mud, cement, materials and special cargoes on deck. Some of our vessels provides services FPSO and FSO units and are in charge also to carry out Oil spill response activities to prevent and/or reduce oil pollution.


Deep Sea Towages

Our vessels are frequently employed for towage services of JU rigs, vessels, barges, floating docks, hulls , STS operations , and to assist vessels in distress or to provide tugs to salvage companies for particular type of operations like wreck removals and grounding.

Bunker Service - Oil Products Transportation


Our company owns and manages several bunker tankers dedicated to operation of refueling ships in port and at sea.
Our ships comply with the latest quality requirements in accordance with international laws and Oil Majors standards.
Our ships could also be used for antipollution activity and lightering operations.

Transportation of Oil Products

Our group operates small tankers vessel which services the industry’s needs for oil transportation in bulk. Our tanker fleet serves Italian coastal and Mediterranean routes.
With a strong focus on our customers needs we strive to deliver first class service, taking safety, quality and environmental protection as our first objective.

Slops and Sludges Remowal

Our group owns specialized and dedicated barges employed for the remowal of slops and sludges from ships in port and at sea.

Brokerage Service


Our shipbroker company acts as independent broker on sale & purchase and chartering of any kind of ships. We work on various types of ships, mainly bulk carriers, general cargo, tankers, offshore and passenger units.
Due to its small and flexible structure Navco is offering its services to several kind of customers, each one having different needs. We listen to them all, large, medium and small and try to offer them the attention they deserve. The company merges the group experience in the offshore and oil transportation sector with other expertise in dry cargo and passenger ships, creating a small, but unique possibility to offer our customers a wide range of services. Our brokers apply group’s philosophy, which is combining attention to quality and to particulars with a focus on customers’ satisfaction and have gained a solid trustworthy reputation among their clients.


Head Office
80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55 - 15-16th floor
phone: +39 081 2514121
fax: +39 081 5524712

Legal Notes & Privacy Policies

Med Offshore spa

80133 Napoli - Italy                                 via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121 
fax:   +39 081 5524712                        general:info@medoffshore.it            chartering: commercial@medoffshore.it technical: tech@medoffshore.it crewing:crew@medoffshore.it administrative:admin@medoffshore.it


Sarda Bunkers spa

80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121 
fax:   +39 081 5524712             Operations: 80133 Napoli - Italy
P.le Immacolatella Vecchia Interno porto
phone.: +39 081 5515856
fax: +39 081 5424301                             general:info@sardabunkers.it          technical:tech@sardabunkers.it administrative: admin@sardabunkers.it operation: operativo@sardabunkers.it crewing: armamento@sardabunkers.it


Navco srl

80133 Napoli - Italy
via Alcide De Gasperi 55
phone: +39 081 2514121
fax:   +39 081 5524712

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